Have you ever found yourself at your desitation while walking or driving wondering how you got there suddenly? Have you lost track of what was going on around you when you are so absorbed in your work or doing something you love? These are examples of spontaneous hypnotic trance that we  go through day in and day out. It's realaxed and heightened state of mind. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you are in charge. A hypnotherapist guides you to the hypnotic state and works with you on whatever that you would like to achieve. The application of hypnotherapy is endless.

WOHPY, short for World of Hypnotherapy, was founded to help people overcome their anxiety in everyday situations, fears, phobia, change their addictive habits, live pain free, explore their spirituality side, past lives and
 simply be their higher self and be live their life to its fullest potential.

Living well, being healthy and living to our full potential are the rights of every human being. Tap into the power of your subsconcious and live the life you ought to live to its fullest!
Suvain Ayyappan